Jakob - Main Vocals
Hochi loves wearing socks above the knees and generally looks like from gemeindebau in rehersals.
He is also known as the very very infamous singer-songwriter Jake Curls.
Last christmas he sat on santas lap and wished for a band. In early 2023 he got one.
In the band his job is talking, not modern but talking.

Mani - Keys
Mani is the saxophonist and pianist of the band. His main job is keeping the mouth peace wet.
He is supporting Jakob with the vocals. He started his musical career as Zac Efron. Zac Efron was his stunt double.
His job is missing the cue and turning the lights/people off.

Pascal - Drums
Basscarl loves slapping the bass in some random other bands, but actually smashes the drums in this band.
When he is not driving for Haas in F1, he wears dreiviertlhosn.
Pascal is also studying some technical stuff in Graz and made this website.
In the band his job is being old and making unsecure websites.

Leo - Lead Guitar
Leo is our guitar hero. He heroes the guitar and sometimes the guitar heroes him.
When he is not playing the guitar, he is fighting crimes as a self-made knight with a cape.
In the band his job is keeping the humidity in the rehersal room high and playing badass solos.

Martin - Bass
He is the bass man with the longest ... hair and fanciest beard.
Marting is the latest addition to the band and he smoothens things out with his peerless bass lines.
This weirdo actually plays with notes!
In the band his job is looking old and hiding the bands weaknesses.
Park 'n' Ride - Rock-Pop Band aus Bad Hall - www.parknride.at
Smoking Frogs - Rock-Metal Band aus Neuhofen an der Krems - www.smokingfrogs.at